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Virtual Groups

All women are welcome to join at any time!

To prepare for each class, (1) complete the homework assignment, (2) listen to Susan's lesson, and (3) at your scheduled class time, log in to the ZOOM class to discuss the completed homework.  


If you are joining after the start date, there is no need to let us know you're joining. If you need any additional information, email Deb at



As we prepare to resume classes next week, please come prepared to share what the Lord has taught you after finishing the homework. II Timothy 2:15 says "study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth"! 

Tuesday's class will be studying lesson 13 on 1/7

Wednesday's class will be studying lesson 7 on 1/8

Teenage class will be studying lesson 8 on 1/9

All lessons are from Susan's teaching on James - With the Master in the School of Tested Faith. Homework and teaching videos are available online (please see above for details).

In HIS Service,

Deb, Suzie, Chelsea

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