Susan's Salvation Testimony
I was born a Pack; I married a Heck. I was born a minister’s daughter; I became a minister’s wife. You might say, “What a boring life you have led—without much change!” Nothing could be further from the truth!
I was brought up in a Baptist Minister’s home, being one of seven children. As a child, I heard the gospel message of Jesus Christ numerous times. My first time to be “saved” was at the age of five when my Sunday School teacher asked who wanted to go to Heaven. I raised my hand, got “saved” and baptized. This again happened two more times, age thirteen and around eighteen. I grew up having a head knowledge of the gospel, as well as a general knowledge of the Scriptures, due to the fact that my Father was an excellent expositor of the Word.
After High School, I went to Moody Bible Institute in Chicago where I met my husband. (We were married from 1975 to 2021 when the Lord took him home to glory.) We hadn’t been dating too long when he mentioned the rapture of Jesus Christ. I was scared… (That should have been a clue that something was not right, but I was “clueless-lost”—See I John 4:17-18)
We soon entered into the “ministry” and I went through all the motions of knowing God and being a pastor’s wife. In the early 1980’s God began to use a series of events in my life to humble me, and to cause me to examine myself spiritually. I had to come face to face with the realization that I did not have genuine saving faith, but only a head knowledge. I had never really considered myself a sinner and had never seen the heinousness of my sin. I was like the Pharisees, who had an outward show of religion, but inwardly I was full of dead men’s bones and hypocrisy. I repented of my sins, and gave my life over to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and was baptized by my husband along with the joy of being baptized with my daughter.
I am so humbled that God would call me by His grace to Himself, and to show me my hypocrisy and deception for so many years. Since that time, He has given me a hunger for His Word and an incredible desire to be fruitful for the Kingdom, especially in regards to impacting women. My life has been transformed and I am indeed a new creation in Jesus Christ. Thank God for His Amazing Grace!
With the Master,