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With the Master
In the School of Tested Faith

Passage: James 1:1-4
Life is filled with trials, that is a fact. But what should our reaction be to our trials, and what is our reward when we respond correctly? This lesson will give helps for all who are going through trials.


Say Yes to Wisdom, No to Wavering

Passage: James 1:5-8
What is wisdom and how do we obtain it? In this lesson we will study how to know how to apply everyday wisdom when going through trials of every kind.


Rich Man, Poor Man

Passage: James 1:9-11
Christians, whether rich or poor, can both be tested during suffering or persecution. James gives great insight in the text we will consider.


Temptations: Where Do They Come From?

Passage: James 1:12-15
In this passage we will examine three themes regarding trials: the reward of trials, the reasons not to blame God, and the risk of entertaining temptations.


The Greatest Gift of All

Passage: James 1:16-18
Every gift we receive is from our Lord, even trials. We will look at a passage that is often misunderstood as we consider the error of man contrasted with the will of God.


How to Respond to God's Word

Passage: James 1:19-21
How should we respond to God’s Word especially when going through a trial? This lesson we will see how we should respond to God’s Word, how we should receive God’s Word, and the reason we should respond correctly to God’s Word.


Hear, Do, and Be Blessed

Passage: James 1:22-25
In this lesson we will consider the danger of being a hearer only of God’s Word, along with the delight of being a doer always of God’s Word.


Passage: James 1:26-27
James gives some practical ways in which we can put our faith into practice: The test of ourselves, the test to control our tongue, and the test to others.


Tests of Brotherly Love

Passage: James 2:1-5
Discrimination has created one of the greatest social tensions of our time in American culture. However, a higher standard is expected from those who profess the Christian faith. James gives us some principles to guide us in this lesson.


Fulfilling the Royal Law

Passage: James 2:6-13
The golden rule of loving our neighbor as our self can be challenging at times. We will consider the character of the rich, the character of the redeemed, the character of the rebellious, and the character of the Redeemer.


Passage: James 2:14-20
This lesson will help us to understand the four categories of faith. They are: A dead faith, the disciple’s faith, the demon’s faith and a damning faith.


Abraham and Rahab: Examples of Living Faith

Passage: James 2:21-26
James gives us some live illustrations of people who lived and exhibited their faith, a man a woman. We will consider the working faith of Abraham along with the working faith of Rahab.


The Danger of the Tongue

Passage: James 3:1-6
One of the tests of genuine faith is the ability to control our tongue. We will consider in this lesson the inability to control our tongue and the iniquities of our tongue.


Gaining Victory Over the Tongue

Passage: James 3:7-12
We will continue looking at the danger of our speech and continue on with the iniquities of our tongue, the inconsistencies of our tongue as well as gaining victory over our tongue.


Wisdom From Above or From Below?

Passage: James 3:13-18
We as God’s children need wisdom for daily living. This lesson is valuable to each of us as we consider the characteristics of the wise, the characteristics of demonic wisdom and the characteristics of divine wisdom.


Wars and Worldliness

Passage: James 4:1-4
What is worldliness according to the Bible? We will consider what James says as he gives the reason for worldliness along with a rebuke for our worldliness.


The Remedy for Worldliness

Passage: James 4:5-10
In our last lesson we looked at worldliness. We will continue with our study on worldliness and discover that the remedy for worldliness is a complete devotion to God and a complete denial of our self.


The Danger of Slander

Passage: James 4:11-12
Slander is a common sin of many and yet for the believer may it never be. Two predominate themes emerge from this passage: the character of a judgmental spirit and the condemnation from a just Savior.


To Plan or Not to Plan?

Passage: James 4:13-17
Should we as believers plan or not plan? This lesson will give great help as we consider three major themes: planning without God is self-reliance, planning with God is sovereign reliance and planning without God is sin.


Warnings to the Rich

Passage: James 5:1-6
Wealth is a gift from God, but it is our responsibility to be good stewards of it. We will consider a warning to the rich in this lesson along with a reason for the warning.


The Patience of Job

Passage: James 5:7-11
Job is a wonderful example of patience during trials. We will consider the examples of the patient farmer, the persistent prophets, and the patriarch Job.


Being a Woman of Your Word

Passage: James 5:12
Keeping our Word is essential in the eyes of God. With that in mind we will look at the sin of making rash vows and the sentence of making rash vows in this lesson.


Becoming a Woman of Prayer

Passage: James 5:13-18
In 1 Thessalonians 5:17 we are told we are to pray about everything. With that in mind we will consider three themes in this lesson: the reason for prayer, the result of prayer and the representation of prayer.


A Call to Salvation

Passage: James 5:19-20
James ends his epistle with a charge to lovingly go after those whose lives do not measure up to genuine faith. We will consider the concluding charge along with the concluding promise in this lesson.

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